Stay a bit and check out what I 'm up too.
Please feel free though to leave a response through
any of my contact links and thanks for visting my page!
Commission Page /


Marching On

Posted on Monday, May 25, 2015|

Hey Everyone!
I've been very busy, but stopped for a quick update!
Recently completed a commission for my friend Tim Pfalzgraf.
Check out my complete commission of his character Cricket here.
Tim is a talented comic artist that creates his own comics.
Please be sure to befriend him and check out his stuff on FB.

In other news I finally completed my Mystery Skulls fanart!
Along with some other work that I've failed to mention.
Check out Lewis here on Da and Tumblr.

Continuing on, I'm still in the process of compiling everything for Behance.
Once I'm on top of that I'll officially open up my twitter along with site changes.
It's been a challenging year so far design wise with my job, but rewarding in which my
skills have advanced. I hope in time to showcase some of those projects.
Thanks everyone for sticking it with me!
Meowing out.

No Tricks, Just Treats

Posted on Monday, Oct 13, 2014|

It's October!
My fav time of year for black cats galore.
Since my last update I've made a few pic's.
My piece "Guarded" can be found here and on Tumblr.
I also did fanart of Golden Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's found via Tumblr and Da.
It's a great point and click survival horror game that I suggest people check out.
Plus I created a pool league t-shirt graphic commission for my father found here.
Last thing to mention is I'm doing a raffle during this entire month.
Find out more detail's here and hope everyone has a great Halloween!
That's all I got.
Meowing out!

More August Happenings

Posted on Sunday, August 17, 2014|

Another small update!
I will be participating in my towns Cedar Valley PrideFest Art Exhibit!
The first year of attending CVP I was inspired and created my own poster piece.
Now it's going to be displayed in their first ever art exhibit of 2014.
Find it on my design page (be sure to click through) and here's a pic from my towns
newspaper. If anyone is interesting in learning more about our CVP click here.

Continuing, I recently got into some new Synthpop music by artist Mr. Kitty.
His stuff is right up my alley and I've quickly became addicted to it!
I was especially influenced by his song, "Years" and created some fanart for it.
The pic is located here, tumblr, and Da. Above all else be sure to check out Mr. Kitty
If your looking for new tunes. His music page can be found here.
Along with his FB, Tumblr, and Twitter!
Meowing Out!

Summer Art Journey

Posted on Wednesday, August 6, 2014|

I've been busy, but I'm back with a few things to share!
This will be a small run down of what's going on:
First, after many years I finally adopted a black cat and named him Omen.
Pictures can be found on my tumblr page. Next, happy to announce that I won second
place of this years Buu-Chan’s Pirate Adventure Art Contest on the Anime Iowa forums.
Info on it can be found here and posted here in my gallery. Plus I participated in
Anime Iowa's Art Exhibit with this print! I was also apart of the Gorillaz FanZine,
but my piece is exclusively on FB right now! Check out the lovely artist who put this
together found here along with her artwork/comics! Last I've created my first more professionalized commission! Located here you can see the mini process I go through
from sketch to color. The finalized design was created to be inserted in a banner and future anime trailers. If you're curious about his works click this (he's a really cool guy trust me)
and send me a email if you'd like a commission.
Hopefully more updates to come!
Meowing out!

Late New Year Start

Posted on Saturday, March 22, 2014|

Hello and Happy New Year!
Sorry, I've been rather busy lately and updated my DA page verses my website.
Check out some Pokemon Pumkaboo fan art and valentines day pic on my DA account.
I took a Fashion Illustration Basics class with my final project located here and a Intro to Color Theory class with my project here. It's taken some time to get done, but they were fun to do. All final images will be located on my website either in the Sketches or Illustrations section.
More info on that is yet to come!
Meowing Out!

What the Kat Dragged In

Posted on Friday, November 1, 2013|

Welcome to the revealing of Kodi Kat's website!
This site has been in process for a few years now and I'm happy to finally have it up.
This will be an on going project with updates on my artwork or other related topics.
I've recently been contemplating a FAQ/commission page and if created will be located
at the top right box on the comment page. Feedback about my website is appreciated as
long at it's helpful and not condescending. The entire site was done by me in dreamweaver
CS4/CS5 with a integrated free version of simpleviewer for my gallery.
Hopefully you did find my little site intriguing and will stay tuned for more cattitude!
Meowing out!

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